August 10, 2016

We've Moved

Cocooned sculpture waiting to be loaded onto the moving truck.

Our family has moved from Springfield, Missouri. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of packing, cleaning, and unpacking. Not to mention the better half of a day spent at the DMV getting our driver's licenses and most importantly registering to vote! Patrick is joining the Department of Economics & Finance at Louisiana Tech University this Fall--thus the reason for our relocation. We are excited to get acquainted with our new city of Ruston, Louisiana--aka The Peach City.

My two favorite movers. Lizzie was a trooper & earned her triple-allowance.
Boxes piled in my new studio. Now it's time to get back to making!

August 10, 2016

We've Moved

Cocooned sculpture waiting to be loaded onto the moving truck.

Our family has moved from Springfield, Missouri. The past few weeks have been a whirlwind of packing, cleaning, and unpacking. Not to mention the better half of a day spent at the DMV getting our driver's licenses and most importantly registering to vote! Patrick is joining the Department of Economics & Finance at Louisiana Tech University this Fall--thus the reason for our relocation. We are excited to get acquainted with our new city of Ruston, Louisiana--aka The Peach City.

My two favorite movers. Lizzie was a trooper & earned her triple-allowance.
Boxes piled in my new studio. Now it's time to get back to making!